What is Tailwind Tribe? It is simply an online community which is made up of bloggers and influencers who share content within the same niche. Usually, you share your articles to the tribe. If your tribemate like what you have submitted, they will just share to their Pinterest boards. Since 2015, it has proved to be a reliable analytics tool. Tribes are functions within tailwind and consist of groups of likeminded bloggers who come together with a similar aim of sharing content.
In order to appease the Pinterest Gods, you need to pin your content regularly. Whether the content is yours or not, the tailwind tribes will always be there to make sure that pinning is easily done. If you are using Tailwind scheduler, you can fill up within seconds. This will keep the content fresh in front of a Pinterest audience every day.
Where can I find Tribes?
You will find tribes right under the summary regardless whether you have paid or a free Tailwind account. Arguably, using the option to find a tribe is the easiest way to join tribes. When you join, you will identify any member or any connections in any of the tribes listed. Also, you can click to see the activity level as you check out a preview of the content. And this will help you know whether the content is relevant to your audience.
How many Tribes can I join?
If you have the free plan, you can join up to five tribes and see if they are helping you. At first, it can be annoying to use them, but as you continue you can add or take them away. Creating your own tribe or joining someone else tribe depends on your personality. Check if there are tribes on your niche. Actually, there is nothing to watch out. All that you need to ensure is the quality of your content. Being in a large group of bloggers is more important. You will easily discover great bloggers without sifting.
How to pin to tribes
Using the Tailwind extension is arguably the easiest way you can get into tribes. Tailwind extension gives you full freedom to add to tribes. You can pin directly from the scheduler if you want to pin other people content. The little blue flame in the right-hand corner of the pin image represent the social sharing stats of the blog post on your website. New bloggers are advised to use the tribe feature. When you use it, you will have positive reinforcement when you see other people sharing your fresh content.
How to know if they are working?
To know the overall performance of tribes, just look at the left-hand side within your Tailwind dashboard. In addition, consider zooming on your own results within the tribe. If you can’t see any significant improvement, don’t lose hope.
What are tribe submissions?
Let’s say you have one pin and you share it to all five of your tribes, this means that you have five tribe submissions. If you are a regular blogger, you will probably run out of submissions fairly quickly. Tailwind has an amazing bundle which enable you to create more great content.
Do you feel that Tailwind tribes don’t work for you? You can try creating a tribe with a few people whom you know in that community. Sharing small content is at times good. You will always have knowledge when they are sharing.